Thursday, March 14, 2013

Desperate times call for desperate measures. ;)



Last 3 days of school, though. My first year of college is almost officially over. Which means, those last three days would be for the final exams. Let's face it. College is fuckin' hard. Sure, there's more freedom for your actions. You get to be so much more independent. But it's still school. Unless you're some nerd who loves going to school, you would also think that school can be a real burden and a huge pain in the ass. Anyway, my friends, Rigo and Kim, needed all the help they can get to pass their courses for this semester. Not gonna lie, I needed it too, not just for my grades, but for life in general. So, two-three days ago, we decided to seek the help of Saint Jude Thaddeus, the patron saint for desperate cases and lost causes.

Saint Jude Thaddeus, the patron saint of desperate cases and lost causes.
Our little trip was like a Dora the Explorer episode. Only Rigo knew his way around wherever we were. If he left Kim and I anywhere, we'll probably get lost. Anyway, so, around 1PM, we met at the University of Santo Tomas' Quadricentennial Square. We were supposed to leave right away, but it started raining cats and dogs. We waited 'til the rain stopped, and then started off towards St. Jude. Exiting the Espana gate of the university, we crossed the street through the overpass, and rode a tricycle to San Beda College on the other side. Can't believe that tricycle ride cost us 120 Pesos. It wasn't a really long distance. But then, who am I to complain? Rigo shouldered the 100 pesos, and Kim paid the remaining 20. Hehe. Anywho, we walked inside the Malacanang (kind of like, the Philippines' White House. Serves as home to the president.) compound, and straight to the church. Before we left campus, we were worrying about if whether or not there was gonna be a mass on that hour. Lucky for us, we were just in time for the novena mass. It wasn't the conventional Eucharistic celebration, but close enough. Haha. We found it quite funny that we saw people from other colleges/programs/courses from our university, hearing mass or doing their novena at the exact same place.

I guess we weren't the hopeless and desperate ones. =))

One thing that struck us the most was how hot it was inside the church! Dude! We were sweating bullets! Kim and I even had to take our blazers (yeah, it's part of our uniform as business students) off. It still wasn't enough, though. We had our pad papers, notebooks, and even my USTv VIP invite out just to fan ourselves. It was pure torture, honestly. We just hope that all that stress was worth it.

After the mass, we retreated to a nearby McDonald's just to cool off before heading back to our university. Am I so shallow for thinking that us ordering different flavors of sundaes is funny? Yeah? Well, I'm weird like that. Not even gonna deny it. Kim announced first that she was gonna get a Strawberry sundae. Then Rigo started whining that he was supposed to choose that. The only options left were the Hot Fudge sundae, and the Hot Caramel sundae. I never liked Caramel, so right after Rigo's whining, I called dibs on Hot Fudge. He settled for Caramel. HAHA. We're weird. Not even gonna deny it. After finishing our sundaes, we headed back to UST. Kim and I. Rigo just walked us to where we can get a ride back, 'cause he said that that place was closer to his house and he didn't want to go through the hassle of going back to school, and going the same way to get home.

So there's that. When we got back, Kim and I parted ways, and headed home. As I was making my own way home, I realized how much I missed those two and how much I'm gonna miss them when I leave. Although Kim's my classmate, even now in college, I never get to spend much time with her. We've been busy with our schoolwork, and even when we're not, we've got different sets of friends that we hang out with. Rigo is a different story. He has a different program. Kim and I are in Business, Rigo is in Pharmacy. We've got fucked up schedules and all that shit. What I'm gonna miss most about him is the good company he provides. You'll never get bored with him. Jeez. This post is making me emotional. I haven't even started talking about Van. Anyway, those three people would probably be the ones I'm gonna miss most. *sighs heavily* They're my favorite people, I guess. ;)

I've said too much. Sorry. Haha. It's just that spending time with those two made me realize how much I missed them and how much I'm gonna miss them...

I'm not gonna cry.

I swear.

Before I do...

I'm out!

- KPats ♥

P.S. this post was originally supposed to be published yesterday (03/14/13) I started on this yesterday, but I was really tired and I fell asleep. So, just pretend I posted this yesterday. HAHAHA. Boo!

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