Saturday, March 2, 2013


Damn it. Just damn it. Remember when I said earlier in my first post that it's frustrating to be a writer? Every little thing you do, every thing you see, every daydream you have gives you a new idea for a story. A couple of hours ago, I was having a talk with my parents about my trip to the USA, and I came up with a whole new plot line for a new story! RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE OF THE DISCUSSION! Ugggghhhhh. Currently feeling the frustration now. Less than five minutes ago, I was scrolling through tumblr, I came up with a new plot for another new story. OH SHIT! Now! Just now! As I write this blog post, my mind is working on another story line, which I would really need to jot down on my notebook before I forget. Why? Out of all the talents I could have had, why did god have to give me this one? I seriously can't take all this frustration. Dear April 3, please come faster!!! I need to get on that plane and start on the release of such frustrations. Uggggghhhhhh.

Sorry. I really just needed to vent that out. Haha.

Anyway, it's 11:45PM where I'm from, and I definitely need to get some sleep before part two of school's hell week comes. With the next three sleepless weeks in school ahead of me, I'd need all the sleep I can get now. *sighs*

I'm out!

-KPats ♥

P.S. I kept having to remind myself that today's just Saturday. It feels very Sunday to me today. Don't ask. I wouldn't have an answer for that.

P.P.S. Look! It's a picture of MY (yes, I'm staking my irrelevant claims on him) Lucas! :"> Definitely gonna have sweet dreams tonight. 

Yeah, baby! Work it! :">
Hahahaha. =)) Anyway, he has some pictures where he looks like Ian freakin' Somerhalder.
But personally, I prefer my Lucas.
I'm a big "Stelena" fan, too. So, sorry Damon.
Woohoo! Paul Wesley all the waaaaaaaaaaaaay! <3

Oops. I've said too much.
I'm out.
For real this time. =))

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