Saturday, March 9, 2013

MYX forum: "SOCIAL MEDIA: The good and the bad."

Wow. No posts for a while. Got really busy with school. 

Anyway, last Monday (March 4, 2013), I went to a forum held at the auditorium of my University's research center. It was sponsored by MYX, which is kind of like the local MTV here in the Philippines. The topic was about Social Media or Social Networking. Like, for the panelists, what do they consider "okay" to post about, when should you hold back, how should you deal with comments and criticisms. It was super fun! And I loved the guest panelists! So... Here's a quick run through of that day's events...

Since it was a Monday, my classes were until 12 noon. The forum doesn't start until 1PM. So, after class, I went for a really quick lunch in one of the restaurants in the university's carpark, then went straight to the TARC (Thomas Aquinas Research Center) auditorium. Around 12:30-12:45, three of my classmates (Marie, Carla, and Shaira) arrived at the auditorium, and took their seats beside me. Then one of the event's organizers came to us and offered us to play in the game sponsored by Smart (one of the telecommunication networks in the Philippines.) At first, I was totally against joining the game. I don't have enough 'balls' to do that kind of thing. Yeah, I guess I should live my life a little, but whatever. Going back, let's just say I had no say when it came to the game. No matter how opposed I was to it, with my luck, I ended up going first. Which, to be honest, was completely humiliating 'cause I had no idea what to do on stage. And damn it, the event's host is a huge celebrity crush of mine, Chino Lui Pio. I was literally shaking on stage and my hands were as cold as a corpse's. Oh! Another thing about the game, IT WAS TOTALLY SCRIPTED. We were given the questions beforehand, and we were even fed the answers. When the game started and when the cameras started rolling, we had to pretend we (there was ten of us who were picked out for the game) were actually volunteering. Anyway, I answered my question, got my prize (which was composed of a 2GB USB, a notepad, and a pen), got off stage, and went back to my seat. All the while, shaking and freezing to death.

So, those are the event's hosts (L-R) VJ Chino,
VJ K.A. and then that's the paperbag containing
my prizes from the game.
(L-R) Raimund Marasigan, Sam YG,
Happee Sy, and Champ Lui Pio

Around fifteen minutes after the end of the game, the main forum started. There were four guest panelists. Raimund Marasigan (member of some of the greatest Filipino bands, like Eraserheads, Sandwich, Pedicab, Cambio, and Project 1), Sam YG (a radio DJ for one of the best radio shows, Boys' Night Out of station 89.9), Happee Sy (a concert producer and singer), and Champ Lui Pio (singer and now producer). The guest panelists were given situations about the social network, and asked about how they would react to those. They gave great advices for social network users, and gave entertaining yet plausible answers for each question thrown at them. Then there was an open forum where a select few students were allowed to ask the panelists some questions. Sam YG was a huge hit among the students! He always is. He's just so witty that he could come up with great, humorous, yet serious responses to random questions thrown at him. So, anyway, that's that. The forum went smoothly, and it was really fun. After the whole thing, us students were allowed to take pictures with the panelists and hosts. My classmates and I were able to. Even got a video of Sam YG giving our section some words of encouragement for our finals (which is gonna be from March 14-19.) I had a picture with the host VJ Chino, and three out of the four panelists (Champ, Happee, and Sam.) From the start, all I wanted was a picture with Raimund Marasigan, 'cause, dude! He's one heck of a legend, when it comes to music. But, of course, with my luck, after the forum, he disappeared into thin air. Since we're talking about social media/networks, and all, and being the tweeter that I am, I tweeted about it. Lucky me, I got this in return:

The reply from Mr. Raimund Marasigan totally made up for the picture! It was good enough for me!
I feel really special about this too, 'cause I was the only one from the University who he replied to in Twitter! :">

So, when we went out the building where the forum was held, I slipped down the stairs and ended up with a twisted/sprained ankle. Stupid, right? I can be such a klutz sometimes. I was limping for three days because of that! It was hard to sit down, stand up, walk, run, go up and down the stairs. Luckier me, my bedroom is in the third floor of our house, and my classroom is in the third floor of the Commerce/AB building in my university.

Yes! That day had been both lucky and unlucky. Just a good combo. Perfectly balanced, unlike me who was limping. =))

Anyway, this blog post has been pending since March 5, and I only got to finish it today (March 10, 2013.) Been really busy. Sorry 'bout that.



KPats ♥

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